Editorial Update 5-2-2022:
- Suspension of Acceptance of Manuscripts for
At this time we.cannot guarantee prospective authors a spot
in an upcoming issue within a reasonable length of time.
In order to be fair to authors whose work has already been
accepted for publication, as well as those wanting their
work to appear in future issues, we are suspending
acceptance of manuscripts for publication until further
Watch the Submissions and In My
Opinion web pages for submission policy
Thank you for thinking of 4 Star Stories, and we
look forward to again being able to accept submissions.
Best regards,
David Gray
4 Star Stories
Mary Gearhart-Gray
4 Star Stories
If you have a science fiction or fantasy short story up to
5000 words in length that excites the imagination and/or
challenges the mind or the genre, we would like to consider
it for publication in 4 Star Stories. We pay 20 US
dollars on publication. We publish, as we are able, up to
four times a year. Check previous issues if you have a
question about what kind of story we accept. Submission
guidelines and instructions appear below.
Submission Guidelines and
We intend to publish original, entertaining, and
thought-provoking science fiction and fantasy short
stories for our readers.
We accept the following: science fiction and fantasy
stories between 1500 and 5000 words in length. Stories
longer than approximately 5,000 words may be serialized.
Format: We prefer stories in 12 pt Courier New
Format your story so that your name and the page number
appear at either the top or bottom of each page. We print
out the stories before reading, and in the event of an
accident, we would like to be able to put the pages back
in their proper order.
Provide an accurate word count, and indicate the end of
your story, for example, "The End", "Finis", or "[30]".
Please proofread and spell check your manuscript. Any
grammatical lapses should occur only in conversation
contained in direct quotes.
Please submit your story as an RTF file. If you need help
saving your story as an RTF file, please click on Contact Web
Master for instructions and guidelines.
Submission Instructions: Send us an email with the
story title in the Subject Line by clicking on
Submissions@4StarStories.com, and include your RTF
story file as an attachment. If you have additional
information about yourself or your story you would like to
tell us, please include that in the body of the email. Not
including additional information with your submission will
not affect our decision We will try to get back to you
concerning your submission as soon as possible. If you
have not heard back from us concerning your submission
after a month, it is acceptable to enquire about its
We do not accept the
Explicit Horror -- Horror intended to shock or
offend the reader will not be accepted.
Gratuitous Sex and/or Violence -- Explicit sex
and/or violence designed to shock or offend the reader
will not be accepted.
Stories Based on Copyrighted Characters or Material
-- This is a science fiction/fantasy publication, not a
fanzine. Satire will be considered on a case-by-case
Stories Based on Living Persons -- Stories based on
living persons will not be accepted.
Publication Dates:
Publication Dates: Four Star Stories publishes four
stories and a Bonus Story per issue, when we are able to,
up to a maximum of four times a year. A Short Short Story
issue is published one or more times a year on an
irregular schedule. Enquire about Short Short Story
submission guidelines and rates.