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In My Opinion


Hi Readers –

Most years I note autumn’s arrival because of subtle changes in the colors, sounds, and smells around me in nature. I never have to look at a calendar.

Not this year.

This year I note the change of seasons not because grasses have gone golden brown and leaves have started to show color, nor because birds have stopped territorial singing and, instead, have started amazing group flying lessons.

No, this year I know it is autumn because my cat says it is autumn.

All summer my cat sleeps stretched out on a cool tile floor. If anyone one tries to pet him, he makes a disgusted, “Your hands are hot” sound and moves to a harder to reach cool spot under a table.

However, this week, a full week before calendar autumn, my cat gave up sleeping stretched out on the floor because the tile floor is no longer cool, it’s cold. Instead, he has moved up onto my bed to sleep atop the most exothermic human he can find: me. He is like a living, breathing, fur muff that moves when I move. He has gone from summer’s “Mr. Don’t-Touch-Me” to autumn’s “Mr. Cuddles” in one cold night.

So, I can now officially declare: IT IS AUTUMN! My cat says so. Which means it is time for steaming mugs of tea, spicy cookies, lap cats, and something good to read.

In this, the Autumn 2012 Issue of 4StarStories, we are happy to present four really good reads. Lou Antonelli creates a future history of science gone amiss in his story, “The Way of the Heretic”. John Bruni introduces us to some way-out rock fans in “The Party’s Over”. Don D’Ammassa takes us to a unique world in “Sandcastles”. Finally, Marilyn Marquez Mercado gives us some scary insight with her short story, “Silence”.

Please, cuddle down, keep warm, read, and enjoy!

See you in the Winter Issue.

The Editors: M. Gray and D. Gray

P.S. We are open for submissions. If you are a serious writer and you have a story you think meets our criteria, send it along to us. We would like to read it.

At 4 Star Stories, we are looking for well-written, original Science Fiction and Fantasy short stories, preferably with an upbeat, positive attitude.

For all da' rules, checkout our Submissions page.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Oh, and writers, remember to self-edit and spell check every story before you send it to us, or to anyone else for that matter. Reading a clean, error-free manuscript makes editors happy, and a happy editor is more likely to publish your story.

Enjoy the Autumn 2012 Issue of 4 Star Stories. See you for the Winter 2012 issue, coming in mid-December, 2012.

Your Editor,



4 Star Stories is an online speculative fiction magazine that publishes 4 short stories, Science Fiction and Fantasy, 4 times per year. Come and join us each season. Tell your friends about us. Read the stories, look at the art, have some fun. We are. It's important.

Hearing from you is important too. We value your opinions. Click on Contact the Editors to send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you.


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