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Issue 1, Spring 2011

Welcome to our website. We intend to present the finest science fiction and fantasy short stories and serialized fiction we can find. In turn, you expect a website that is visually pleasing and easy to navigate. We will try to provide just that.

Issue 2, Summer 2011

You may have noticed changes to the website this issue. Bowing to popular demand, I have added "hotspots" to the main pages. Hopefully this will make it easier to navigate the site, and give it a more intuitive feel.

We have also added illustrations at the beginning of each story that we hope reflect some aspect of that story. So far, the reaction from the authors has been favorable. We would like to hear what you think as well.

Check out the Links page to find out more about or contact our authors and artists. Links to other websites we feel would be of interest will be added as we discover them.

 This being the second issue, you might reasonably expect to see the contents of the first issue archived under the appropriate category on the Archives page. I am still trying to figure out how to do this in a simple, straightforward (for me) way.

Issue 3, Autumn 2011

October1, 2011

Seems like I' m going to have to explain why this issue is so late. Partly (mostly) my fault, I have to admit.

Anyway, here goes. I had a medical procedure done last week just before FenCon, which was a lot of fun, by the way (FenCon, not the medical procedure). We had three out of the four authors in this issue present, and talked to three future authors and one future Guest Artist.

Inspired by meeting everyone during that hectic weekend, I managed to load the author's stories on the Website so they could look at them, minus the illustrations, before the con was over.

After recovering from FenCon, we worked on the pen-and-ink illustrations for the four stories in this issue. I finished getting those ready for publication Friday night, late.

Saturday I worked on the Guest Artist page, getting the artwork ready and gathering the descriptive and biographical information to go along with it.

Saturday night everything went on the website for a trial run. There are always a few glitches to work out at the end, so I didn't finish that until late.

The last step was to move the previous issue to the archive section of the website and set up the writer and Guest Artist archive links. Time then for a brief moment savoring the Autumn issue before plunging into the next one, Issue 4, Winter 2011.

While searching for your favorite authors and artists in the Archives, it is possible to get lost. When this happens, go up to the address line in your browser and backspace until only appears. Touch Enter to take you to the current issue Homepage.

Issue 4, Winter 2011

December 24, 2011

Seems like I'm having to apologize again this issue. Both Mary and I have been sick the last week or so, delaying this issue more than we would like. To compensate, we have four really good stories and a really great artist to present this issue Putting this issue together was a little more routine, thankfully. I don't have the archives updated yet, but we do have all the stories and the Guest Art section up. Updating the archives and the Links page will be taken care of between now and New Years.

Speaking of the New Year, we have some really great stories waiting in the wings for the Spring issue, so stay tuned.

Lastly, we are looking forward to seeing everyone at ConDFW in February of  next year.

Issue 5, Spring 2012

March 24, 2012

Here we are in 2012 and at the one-year anniversary of It's been a wild, exciting ride, meeting authors and artists and reading some really great stories. We're looking forward to even more great things this year, and we hope you will join us.

It was great seeing everyone at ConDFW. Even though the weather was a challenge, we didn't mind because we needed the rain. On one panel at ConDFW, we had at least three 4StarStories authors. All together at ConDFW we had at least six 4StarStories authors and a couple of future contributors. While we were there, we distributed twenty-eight Author's Submission Guidelines to people at panels and others we met at the con. We are still committed to presenting the best in science fiction short stories and guest artists, and we are counting on you to help us do that.

For those in the Dallas area, we will be attending FenCon in late September of this year. As always we look forward to hearing from you and seeing you in person.

April 3, 2012

Some of our regular readers have commented that when accessing the Website, they encountered the previous issue, rather than the current issue they were expecting. The problem is that the browser loads previously accessed web pages stored in a cache, rather than going out on the Internet to download the current page. The solution to this problem is to refresh or reload the page. Although generally similar, the ways to refresh or reload the page vary from browser to browser. I have listed directions for some of the commonly used browsers below.

 Internet Explorer

Try using the Refresh button, the F5 soft key, Control+F5, Ctrl+R, Control+Shift+R, or holding down the Control key while clicking the Refresh button.

A more advanced user can press F12 to open the Development Tools, select the Cache menu at the top and then Always refresh from server to bypass the cache.

In other words, Press F12 , then click Cache -> Always Refresh from Server.

The always-refresh option is not a global option, and it will not hinder overall performance in Internet Explorer.


By default there should be a reload/refresh button on the toolbar. On the default theme it looks like a circular arrow to the right of the address line. You can also press the F5 soft key or Ctrl+R to reload the page.

Google Chrome

Depending on how the web page was constructed, you can do one of two things:

Right-click inside the web page and select Reload from the pop-up window. This works for many pages.

In the upper right hand corner of the browser window, select the Wrench icon, then select Clear browsing data... from the drop-down menu. A pop-up window appears. Verify that Empty the cache is checked. If not, click on the empty box. Then select the Clear Browsing Data button at the bottom of the pop-up window. This works for all pages.

Issue 6, Summer 2012

July 2, 2012

Here it is Summer again. See the "In My Opinion" page for our take on Summer.

I'm retaining the Guest Artist from the last issue temporarily. Rocky is fine with that. I have some partial solar eclipse and Venus transit pictures that I took in May that I'm going to put on the Guest Artist page in a week or so.

Someone suggested that we register 4StarStories with Duotrope. We did, and now we are getting a ton of submissions. The first thing we have to do when we get the Summer issue out is to sift through those submissions for stories to use in the next issue. For my part, I am explaining to potential submitters how to save their Word files as .RTF files.

I asked the Programming Chair for Fencon if we can have a panel with 4StarStories writers and Guest Artists at FenCon. Haven't heard back from her yet, but the writers I talked to who are attending FenCon in September are very enthusiastic about the idea. If you are a writer or a Guest Artist published in 4StarStories and are going to be at Fencon, let me know. We need a list of people who want to participate.

July 12, 2012

With the increased visibility of 4 Star Stories comes an increased number of submissions, and we are OK with that. At this point, however, submissions are about evenly divided between those who follow the suggested template and those who don't.

Unfortunately we are reaching the point where I can't take the time to fix format problems in stories that don't follow the template.

Of course, there is always the possibility that the "story of gold" comes in that we just have to publish because it is so good, but doesn't follow the template -- at all. Assuming that does happen at some point, don't be surprised (or insulted) if you get instruction to "rewrite the story following the template this time and resubmit".

If you have any questions about converting to RTF format, for example, send me an email at the Webmaster address on the website.

For technical comments and webmasterly things like exchanging links, click on Contact Web_master to send me an email.

We thank you for your support.

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