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In My Opinion

·       \4 Star Stories Issue 17


Hi --

Welcome to Issue 17 of 4 Star Stories! In this issue, we have five exciting and thought-provoking stories for you to read.

When we put together an issue of 4 Star Stories, amazing things sometimes happen. For example, we come up with unplanned theme issues. Issue 17 is one of those serendipitous issues.

Each story in this issue presents the reader with a character-driven story with a main character, or two, whose unique talents, skills, courage and pluck are required to bring his -- or her -- tale to a successful and satisfying conclusion. Each of these unique characters demonstrates that he or she has the right mojo and courage to get done the job that needs doing; to solve the problem that needs solving; to be brave for as long as it takes against humongous odds, not only to survive, but to prevail. Characters like these are fun to read and to daydream about. I’ve enjoyed getting to know every one of them, and I hope you do too.

So, for you, in Issue 17 of 4 Star Stories, we have five character-driven tales of uncommon individuals whose stories will thrill and amaze you.

Teresa Howard’s Fantasy Story of magical power-politics introduces us to the courageous and talented Annis, First Daughter of the Stone.

CARAVAN by Lee Killough, takes us on a Science Fiction journey to an alien world where the savvy, lizard caravanner, Tleth, is the only one whose knowledge and experience stand between the caravan and several certain deaths.

In her Science Fiction story, Change of Plans, Liz Sawyer introduces us to an interstellar pariah and a top-level secret agent who use their talents, training, and abilities to create a change in plans for a ruthless drug dealer.

Then, in Peter Schranz’ Fantasy Story, "Witch Puce", we meet Witch Puce, three mirrors and a brave band of bunnies, who take on ultimate evil in the pluckiest possible way. Go rabbits!

Finally, on Charles Robertson’s deep-space Science Fiction voyage, Sailing to Eden, we get to know some young space pioneers who have to deal with unforeseen problems when they reach their new world.

Five exciting adventure await you in Issue 17 of 4 Star Stories. Enjoy, and we’ll see you in Issue 18 of 4 Star Stories!


The Editors: M. Gray and D. Gray

P.S. We are open for submissions. If you are a serious writer and you have a story you think meets our criteria, send it along to us. We would like to read it.

At 4 Star Stories, we are looking for well-written, original Science Fiction and Fantasy short stories, preferably with an upbeat, positive attitude.

For all da' rules, checkout our Submissions page.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Oh, and writers, remember to self-edit and spell check every story before you send it to us, or to anyone else for that matter. Reading a clean, error-free manuscript makes editors happy, and a happy editor is more likely to publish your story.

Your Editor,



4 Star Stories is an online speculative fiction magazine that publishes Science Fiction and Fantasy short stories. Tell your friends about us. Read the stories, look at the art, have some fun. We are. It's important.

Hearing from you is important too. We value your opinions. Click on Contact the Editors to send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you.


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